Kinza Presentations & Consulting Group, your specialist for growing your bottom line through:

Employee Retention

Customer Loyalty

Effective Teamwork

"Helping organizations from the inside out."

Humorize Your Life, Your Team & Your Leadership

The Power of a Positive Image - Be more Effective and Stop Sabotaging Ypurself

 Humor is now being called the New Career Skill and rightly so.  It is the bridge to better relationships, personal happiness and abundant career success.  This interactive, seriously fun, humor lab will take your wellness, team work and leadership to new heights.  Session includes: How to use one's personal pharmacy for de-stressing with laughter fitness; a humor self-inventory disclosure; experiencing/applying the 6 techniques they need for humorizing their lives and propelling their health, joy, sales, productivity. Ideal for Business / Christian / Healthcare. All programs are customized to the audience.  Did you know that ¾ of terminally ill patients wished their caregivers used more humor? 



The E-FACTOR: Developing Customer Loyalty
A Sales & Service must for motivating people to action.  Based on the E-Factor, What does the customer really want?   Extraordinary customer service is vital to organizations who want to survive, and even thrive in this economy. In this presentation, the "5 R's" team up with knowing your customer’s unspoken needs.   We know that people do things for their own reasons, not anyone else’s.  Tapping into emotions brings results.  Get results through sharpened listening skills and the power of attitude – yours.

Power Up Your Image and Be More Effective
Discover the secrets to motivating others and igniting a fire under your team. Attendees will enter the stretch zone to reach their potentials as they learn the Keys to positively affecting productivity and performance. This interactive session focuses on The 7 things every team needs and participative demonstrations through sculpturing on how attendees can overcome its perceived obstacles. Fun with a purpose
Video Clip: Kinza's Professional Image Program

Fire up your Team And Motivate!
Discover the secrets to motivating others and igniting a fire under your team. Attendees will enter the stretch zone to reach their potentials as they learn the Keys to positively affecting productivity and performance. This interactive session focuses on. The 7 things every team needs and participative demonstrations through sculpturing on how attendees can overcome its perceived obstacles. Fun with a purpose.

Life Balance: Getting a Grip on Stress

Stress has been called the plague of society today. It is a silent killer. Like a thief, it robs the business till -- costing U.S. businesses over 150 billion dollars annually. This upbeat session focuses on helping attendees identify their harmful stressors. Participants will learn stress management techniques for taking charge of their lives and put the zip back into their day!
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